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更新時間:2022-08-17 14:55:05點擊次數:

苑亞楠,女,博士,講師。2016年畢業于Betvictor中文版,獲得藥物分析學碩士學位;2020年畢業于Betvictor中文版化學與環境科學學院,獲得分析化學博士學位。近年來,主持河北省自然科學基金1項,參與國家自然科學基金和河北省自然科學基金項目4,以第一作者在Green ChemistryJournal of Pharmaceutical AnalysisJournal of Agricultural and Food ChemistryAnalytica Chimica ActaFood ChemistryFood Control等國際學術期刊上發表SCI論文十餘篇。



1. 主講課程:儀器分析、藥物分析學、現代藥物分析學選論

2. 研究方向:色譜分離與藥物分析、樣品前處理與分析方法開發




1. Yanan Yuan, Yanfei Zhang, Zhiqiang Wang, Hongyuan Yan*. Green synthesis of water-compatible molecularly imprinted resin on graphene oxide for highly selective extraction of chlorogenic acid in aqueous systems. Green Chemistry, 2024, 26: 6787.

2. Yanan Yuan, Yibo Wang, Yanfei Zhang, Hongyuan Yan*. Development and application of a selective analytical method for indole metabolites in urine: dietary exposure biomarkers for broccoli consumption. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2024, 72: 12822−12831.

3. Yanan Yuan, Yanfei Zhang, Mingwei Wang, Jiankun Cao, Hongyuan Yan*. Green synthesis of superhydrophilic resin/graphene oxide for efficient analysis of multiple pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables. Food Chemistry, 2024, 450: 139341.

4. Yanan Yuan, Yibo Wang, Yanfei Zhang, Junfa Yin, Yehong Han, Dandan Han, Hongyuan Yan*. Miniaturized centrifugation accelerated pipette-tip matrix solid-phase dispersion based on poly(deep eutectic solvents) surface imprinted graphene oxide composite adsorbent for rapid extraction of anti-adipogenesis markers from Solidago decurrens Lour. Journal of Chromatography A, 2024, 1715: 464599.

5. Yanan Yuan, Huanhuan Chen, Yehong Han, Fengxia Qiao, Hongyuan Yan*. Analysis of anticancer compound, indole-3-carbinol, in broccoli using a new ultrasound-assisted dispersive-filter extraction method based on poly(deep eutectic solvent)-graphene oxide nanocomposite. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2022, 12: 301-307.


1. 苑亞楠闫宏遠王一蔔韓晔紅王志強劉海燕韓丹丹。一種氧化石墨烯/聚低共熔溶劑分子印迹複合材料、其制備方法及應用。專利号:ZL202210390090.4

2. 闫宏遠,苑亞楠,喬鳳霞,白立改,劉海燕。一種石墨烯/碳納米管複合材料的制備方法及其應用。專利号:ZL 201710056017.2
